The estate is located in Scansano, in the heart of Maremma, near the Etruscan site of Ghiaccio Forte of the IV Century BC to whose name it is attributed and where the cultivation of vines was a vital resource.
The property includes 35 hectares divided in two vineyards, as well as pasture and woodland to preserve local biodiversity.
Organic winemaking is the natural culmination of a quest to achieve the greatest expression of land.
Respect for nature is the best tool for obtaining grapes rich with life and expressive potential.
The balance between humankind and nature is at the heart of wines that have a deep connection to the land where they are made. Such wines are unique and cannot be reproduced elsewhere.
來自美麗義大利托斯卡尼, 有機農法栽種. 是一款單寧飽滿的葡萄酒,帶著果味和烘烤味與香料味,讓人聯想到茴香、甘草、黑櫻桃和黑加侖利口酒。於橡木桶陳釀12個月. 口感非常飽滿、有力,單寧細膩但又很精緻,它非常適合搭配以肉類料理或香菇類、松露料理。來自美麗迷人義大利托斯卡尼 Maremma地區.該莊園的名字取自附近的伊特魯里亞遺址。標籤上的老鷹讓人想起古代伊特魯里亞占卜者的儀式,該儀式解釋了鳥類的飛行,老鷹被認為是繁榮和神聖恩寵的象徵。這是一個如此強大的象徵,以至於它被放置在國王權杖的末端。 適飲温度 Service temperature:16-18 ° C.
葡萄品種:Sangiovese 70% Carignan 30% 酒精濃度15% 750ML
The estate is located in Scansano, in the heart of Maremma of Toscana, near the Etruscan site of Ghiaccio Forte of the IV Century BC to whose name it is attributed and where the cultivation of vines was a vital resource.The unique characteristics of soil, combined with organic and biodynamic farming practices. Wine with a great impact, fruity and toasted, rich in balsamic, reminiscent of anise, licorice, black cherries and black currant liqueur. In the mouth it is very enveloping, powerful, with well present but refined tannins, a very long memory of spices and toasting. It’ ideal with second courses based on noble meats, feathered and furred game, long cooking and flavoring.