Andrea Ivaldi, the youngest of the family, opens the doors of his company to those who are «wine-curious», to show them where the wine is made; the result of a year of care and passion.
From the vineyards to the winery; the Ivaldi family will lead you on the path that creates a traditional wine through colors, fragrances, scenery and wine tasting
Ivaldi Dario’s farm is located in an area famous for its historical vocation in making Barbera wine.
Its’ the town of Nizza Monferrato in fact that produces the best Barbera wine and grapes, thanks to the soil, the favorable climate and a more than 5 centuries old tradition in making wine.
Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG
女性姊妹們 TOP 1 最愛
Brachetto 來自義大利西北部 Piemonte 的 Acqui Terme產區,是源於義大利的古老葡萄品 種,罕見且產量稀有。 Acqui Terme 這座城市是由羅馬人在公元2世紀建立的 . 這裡更是 著名的75 ° C天然溫泉勝地. 據說兩千多年前的埃及艷后特別喜歡喝此酒,她的兩位情人凱薩大帝和安東尼奧都會送這款酒爭相討她歡心. 有著迷人的紅寶石顏色,獨特的保加利亞野玫瑰香氣,伴隨著草莓等紅色莓果氣息、 蜂蜜、鈴蘭和橙花香,味道甜美,帶著輕微細膩的泡沫。是姊妹淘聚會、時尚派對寵兒。
Vegan certificate : 其軟木塞製程不含動物油脂
開胃酒適合配些起司、火腿或飯後配草莓水果,、巧克力盤等,在當地更會用此酒款入菜或做許多甜點如莓果奶酪,巧克力慕斯果凍,冰淇淋,雪酪,餅乾甚至是南瓜燉飯等,還能調配出許多時尚雞尾酒款! 適飲溫度: 6-8°C
葡萄品種 Grape Variety: Brachetto 100%
酒精濃度: 6.5%vol 750ml
Moscato d’Asti DOCG
女性姊妹們 TOP 1 最愛
金黃色的慕斯卡多甜白葡萄酒充滿麝香、橙花、檸檬和蜂蜜的甜美誘人香氣.此酒款不只適合作為開胃酒享用, 它微甜的口味特別解辣,和川菜、湘菜以及和口感酸辣、香料豐富的泰國菜、越南菜都是絕配,也適合搭配各類飯後甜點!更是一天當中任何時刻想要fresh up一下,都可飲用的葡萄酒. 最適飲用溫度: 6-8°C 酒精濃度: 5%vol 容量: 750ml
A sweet aromatic wine with a straw-yellow color and golden hues and an intense musky scent that is fragrant and delicate reminiscent of honey, acacia flowers and lime. It has a refined and persistent perlage, and a sweet, fresh and balanced taste. Goes great with desserts and dry pastries
葡萄品種Grape Variety: Moscato100% 產區:義大利西北部皮埃蒙特地區Piemonte .
皮埃蒙特是葡萄酒爱好者久仰的地方,它在意大利西北部的地位,就如勃艮第在法國的地位一樣。遠在羅馬時代,皮埃蒙特就以盛產名酒聞名,並以其高質量享譽世界. 皮埃蒙特位於阿爾卑斯山脉的丘陵地带,其名字“Piedmont”在意大利語中就是“山麓”之意。產區葡萄園幾乎都在绵延的山坡上,土地結構良好,土壤肥沃。這里屬大陸性氣候,冬季寒冷,夏季炎热。葡萄成熟期日夜温差大,使葡萄皮能聚集更多的風味,釀出的葡萄酒香味濃烈持久。通常種植在緩丘陵,它的皮薄,帶有適當的酸度。