Valpolicella DOC Classico Superiore Pruviniano Collection
DOMINI VENETI 來自義大利維洛納的 Valpolicella Classico 經典產區的五村之一 Negrar, 葡萄園位於 Pruviniano Cru 地塊. 9 月至 10 月初完全手工採收。 在不鏽鋼槽陳釀約 1年。酒裙呈美麗紫紅寶石色澤,單寧柔軟,完美和諧,帶有迷人櫻桃、李子、紅莓果、伴隨香辛料、胡椒等香氣, 細膩典雅。適合搭配Salumi風乾醃肉起司盤、義大利麵或燉飯、魚、蔬菜及豆類、白肉類、紅肉類燒烤等料理.
葡萄品種Grape Variety: Corvina 60%, Corvinone 15%, Rondinella 15%, other grapes10%
適飲用溫度 Service temperature: 14-16°C
酒精濃度: 13% vol 750ml
Valpolicella DOC Classico Superiore Pruviniano Collection is a dry red wine with a subtle elegance and a spiciness that reflects its origin from the Valpolicella Classica area of Verona. Excellent with traditional Veronese first courses and cured meats, it is undoubtedly an authentic Valpolicella Superiore that cheers the senses with its fruity aroma of cherries and currants, floral notes of violet and spicy notes of pepper, nutmeg and ginger. Its flavour is fresh, lively, dry and persistent thanks to the right balance and fine tannins.
•Harvest: from September until the beginning of October, exclusively hand-picked. Crushing with destemming of the grapes. Ageing in steel tank and then in bottles.
Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore DOC
DOMINI VENETI 來自義大利維洛納的 Valpolicella Classico 經典產區的五村之一 Negrar, 葡萄園位於 Pruviniano Cru 地塊.酒裙呈美麗紫紅寶石色澤,單寧柔軟,完美和諧,帶有迷人櫻桃、李子、紅莓果、果醬、伴隨甜香辛料、香草 、焦糖 、辣胡椒等香氣, 細膩典雅持久, 餘味帶有烘烤果乾杏仁的香氣。Ripasso 酒又稱做「酒王Amarone的小老弟」及 「平民的小酒王」美名. Ripasso是將釀造 Valpolicella 的新鮮原酒和酒王Amarone 果皮混合後,再進行第二次發酵; 於斯洛維尼亞橡木桶和法國橡木桶陳釀至少1年,所以酒體帶著酒王Amarone的美麗飽滿身影。陳年潛力達15年. 建議使用杯肚大的紅酒杯品嘗、醒酒至少一小時後再飲用。最適飲用溫度 Service temperature: 16-18°C
葡萄品種Grape Variety: Corvina 60%, Corvinone 15%, Rondinella 15%, other grapes 10%
酒精濃度: 13.5%vol 750ml
Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Classico Superiore Pruviniano Collection Domìni Veneti has a gratifying ruby-red colour and features a fine and fruity aroma. On the palate it is warm, full-bodied and persistent, with lively tannins and an aftertaste of dried fruit, nuts and toasted almonds. Ideal with red meat, both grilled and braised. Offer it to your guests at 16 – 18 °C.
Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG
DOMINI VENETI 來自義大利維洛納城市的 Valpolicella Classico 經典產區的五村之一 Negrar, 葡萄園位於 Pruviniano Cru 地塊.酒裙呈美麗紫紅寶石色澤,單寧柔軟,完美和諧,帶有迷人櫻桃紅莓果、李子、伴隨甜香辛料、香草 、巧克力 、咖啡 、皮革、 肉荳蔻、胡椒等香氣, 細膩典雅持久, 餘味帶有烘烤果乾的香氣。於9月底~10月手工採收葡萄,精心篩選後,使用 風乾葡萄手法至少3個月,再進行壓榨發酵.於斯洛伐克橡木桶和法國橡木桶陳釀至少2年, 陳年潛力達20年. Amarone有很強大的配餐功能,不僅適合搭配紅肉類或燒烤料理、起司燻肉冷盤等, 其貴氣高雅的格調,上得了任何重要場合。單飲亦醇厚順口,因此有著‘’沉思之酒‘‘和’’ King of Valpolicella ‘’之美名. 建議使用杯肚大的紅酒杯品嘗、醒酒至少一小時後再飲用。
建議使用杯肚大的紅酒杯品嘗、醒酒至少一小時後再飲用。最適飲用溫度Service temperature:16-18°C
葡萄品種: Corvina 60%, Corvinone 15%, Rondinella 15%, other grapes 10%
酒精濃度: 16% vol 750ml
The Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classic Pruviniano Collection is an incredibly strong dry red wine with a dense and garnet colour and an intense and fruity aroma. It has great structure and softness on the palate with a toasted, dried fruit aftertaste, and pairs perfectly with game, grilled meat, braised meet and aged cheeses. Great with conversation after a meal. Harvest between September and October, exclusive hand-picked selection. Air-dried the grapes at least for 3 month before pressing in Feburary.