Damilano is one of few traditional, ancient, ultra-centenary Barolo wine makers.
In fact, the Damilano family has been active since 1890 when Giuseppe Borgogno, the great-grandfather of the current owners, started farming and making wine from the family-owned vineyard in Barolo (Cuneo), the town in the Langhe area that the homonymous wine was named after; a beautiful and generous land that has been the heart of the vocation to produce the “king of wines” for centuries.
It wasn’t until the following generation, though, that Giacomo Damilano, the founder’s son-in-law, gave the current name to the winery. It was he who gave the stimulus to preserve the vines and apply constant innovation in the quality of the winemaking process, making the winery become a “jewel” to proudly pass on to his nephews, who manage the company since 1997.
Guido, Mario, and Paolo Damilano have been capable of giving new lymph and push to the family company, particularly giving value to the prince grape of the Langhe, the Nebbiolo, and specific terroirs, the Cannubi above all.
Since 1997, the family business has been taken over by Guido, Mario, and Paolo Damilano, Giacomo’s three nephews.
The winery – well-visible as you drive along the local road Alba-Barolo, about 1.5 km (1 mile) from Barolo towards Alba, approximately at a location called La Morra – underwent a significant restoration, and boasts a modern and functional structure. Of course, it is a pleasure to admire the surrounding Langhe area, famous worldwide not only for its food and wine tradition, but also in the capacity as UNESCO World Heritage Site for its vineyard landscape.
The secret to high quality is found in the grapes destined to become Damilano wines. The grapes are cultivated in prestigious and select vineyards that the company looks after with the same attention and respect as the winery’s founders, as well as the skills of modern winemaking in order to pursue the highest quality. Damilano’s Nebbiolo production culminates in the great crus: Cannubi, Liste, Brunate and Cerequio.
The winery produces predominantly red wines, but it is in Barolo that the production reaches the height of its quality. The crus Cannubi, Brunate, Cerequio and Liste have distinct expressions that showcase the differences in terroir, ranging from the innate elegance of Cannubi and Brunate to the more decisive and structured character of Cerequio and Liste.
The newcomer among the excellence offered is the G.D., which expresses the elegance of the Langhe sprouting from the Chardonnay vineyard. Produced as of the 2015 grape harvest, it is dedicated to the founder Giacomo Damilano.
To complete the range, the winery also produces Langhe Nebbiolo, Barbera d’Asti, Barbera d’Alba, Dolcetto d’Alba, Langhe Arneis, Rosato, Brut Metodo Classico, Brut Metodo Classico Millesimato, Moscato d’Asti, Barolo Chinato and Grappa di Nebbiolo da Barolo.
Damilano wines are widely distributed abroad too, in particular on the U.S. market.
100% Nebbiolo grapes and the limestone/clay-rich soil in the townships of Langhe are the fundamental traits that give this wine its ruby red color with hints of maroon reflections, a delicate and unique fragrance with tips of violet and red fruit, and finally a balanced tannic taste and a velvety, harmonic body.
100% Nebbiolo 內比奧羅葡萄和 Langhe朗格區這裡富含石灰石/粘土的土壤是賦予這款酒紅寶石色並帶有一絲栗色反射的基本特徵,以及帶有紫色和紅色水果優雅精緻而獨特的香味,平衡的單寧味道和天鵝絨般和諧的酒體。
Nebbiolo 內比奧羅為北義大利的原生葡萄品種,在石灰質土壤中表現最為出色, 單寧和酸度極高,結構堅實, 帶有紫羅蘭、黑色漿果及第三層氣味如焦油、草本、松露等複雜風味,以此葡萄品種釀造最出名的酒款為 Barolo 與 Barbaresco.
關於Nebbiolo品種的名字由來: 一說為與霧(義大利文叫做 nebbia)有關,因在Langhe區丘陵採收季節經常出現濃濃霧氣;另一說法則與葡萄外皮上覆蓋的一層如霧般的白色天然蠟(pruina)有關。
葡萄品種 Grape variety : Nebbiolo 100%
適飲溫度 Serving temperature: 16°/17° C
14%vol 750ml
Damilano vineyard management rights over a 11 hectare vineyard in Casorzo in the province of Asti, an area in which Barbera has been grown since the 1800s. This 100% Barbera wine is produced from a Monferrato vineyard that is 20 to 30 years old. The soil contains white marl and tends to be calcareous. Ageing mainly in stainless steel & cement.
Barbera 是義大利種植面積第三大葡萄品種,主要集中在北義皮耶蒙特一帶. 而最好的Barbera產區之一在義大利北部Asti
Tasting notes: 酒液呈紅寶石色,帶有強烈的紫色調,香氣帶有紅莓果、紫羅蘭、櫻桃和香草及淡淡的香料味。
This wine has a red color with intense purple tones and a fruit nose with light spice notes. It has a persistent flavor reminiscent of currants, violets, cherries and vanilla.
適飲溫度 Serving temperature: 16°~17°C
葡萄品種 Grape variety :Barbera 100%
酒精濃度: 14%vol 750ml
Barolo 巴羅洛被稱為五大酒王之一,香氣複雜而濃郁。 產於義大利西北部Piemonte皮埃蒙特的 Barolo DOCG 地區。 是由 Nebbiolo內比奧羅的葡萄釀製的,這種葡萄以其乾玫瑰和甘草的味道而聞名。 採收時間通常是十月下半旬。 根據 DOCG 規定,Barolo 必須至少陳釀 38 個月,這是因為Nebbiolo 內比奧羅葡萄的單寧含量非常高, 需要長時間的陳釀過程來軟化和醇厚單寧,並讓巴羅洛有更多時間散發出其美妙的香氣 , 其酒體飽滿、酸度充足、單寧強勁,並散發紅莓、櫻桃、皮革、菸草、焦油和玫瑰等香氣。它另一個特點就是具有極高的陳年潛力.
Barolo Lecinquevigne is distinguishing features are a hue of ruby red with orange-tinted reflections, and an intense aroma of rose, leather, and tobacco in sequence, with hints of violet and tar emerging. Its taste is ample and enveloping with a feeling of softness and a long, persistent savor prevailing in the mouth.
Tasting note: Barolo Lecinquevigne 的顯著特徵是帶有橙色反射的寶石紅色調,以及依次帶有玫瑰、皮革和煙草的強烈香氣,並帶有一絲紫羅蘭和焦油的味道。它的味道豐富而包容,有一種柔軟的感覺,在口中充斥著悠長而持久的味道。Barolo 適合配搭味道同樣濃郁的菜式,例如牛排或松露料理。牛排脂肪比例較高,和Barolo中的單寧達致平衡.
葡萄品種 Grape variety : Nebbiolo 100%
適飲溫度 Serving temperature: 16°/17° C
14%vol 750ml
Cannubi is considered the Grand Cru vineyard for the Barolo, an extraordinary wine in terms of style and elegance. The absolute high quality of the grapes picked on the Cannubi hill is the result of a unique land composition: an unevolved soil with clay-rich marl, grey and white on the surface. The soil in which the Damilano vines are found features a high percentage of sand (up to 45%) that gives the grapes intense aromas of cherry, plum and tobacco, rose and violet in sequence. Its low potassium and high calcium/magnesium content offer the wine a fine and polished touch. Its color is intense and bright, and it has a high polyphenol concentration.At first sight, what is most striking is its ruby red color with hints of maroon and orange reflections, and an ample, enveloping scent, with clear fruit notes of cherry and plum, and herbal notes of tobacco, liquorish, and cocoa.The wine embraces the palate with a harmonic, pleasantly dry flavor, with soft tannins and a perceivable body and completeness.
Cannubi 被認為是巴羅洛的特級園,這是一款風格優雅的非凡葡萄酒。這裡的高優質葡萄是獨特風土的結果:未開發的土壤與富含粘土的泥灰土,表面呈灰色和白色。發現 Damilano 葡萄藤的土壤含有高比例的沙子(高達 45%),這使葡萄依次散發出櫻桃、李子和煙草、玫瑰和紫羅蘭的強烈香氣。其低鉀和高鈣/鎂含量為葡萄酒提供了精緻和拋光的觸感。它的顏色濃郁明亮,多酚濃度高。乍一看,最引人注目的是它的紅寶石色,帶有淡淡的栗色和橙色光暈,以及濃郁的包圍感,帶有櫻桃和李子的果香,以及煙草、甘草和可可的草本香調。
葡萄品種 Grape variety : Nebbiolo 100%
適飲溫度 Serving temperature: 16°/17° C
14.5%vol 750ml